
BLANKs (things that seem to have inexplicably never made it to Japan)

Random Events (things that made me go "WHAT?")

Fusses (self-explanatory)

Sunday 13 February 2011

BLANK Of The Day 3

My turn to BLANK this time, although I think it's fair enough. There is a new K-Pop group (Korean Pop) out called Kara...I say new in that they are new to me as I don't follow K-Pop because I like good music, but I think they might actually have been around for a while. They are a girl group who are a big hit in Japan and I think are currently here for promotion or a tour or just in an attempt to take over my TV. Anyway, K-Pop is cooler than J-Pop so I've given in a little bit and I was loving one Kara song because I thought it said "choppy choppy choppy now" in it, which I thought must mean something in Korean, but it just gave me funny images of them all smiling (it's a very happy song as most J and K-Pop is) and chopping onions or something. However, I've just learnt that they are actually supposed to be singing English there and it's "jumping, jumping, jumping up!!" Youtube it and see what you think!

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