
BLANKs (things that seem to have inexplicably never made it to Japan)

Random Events (things that made me go "WHAT?")

Fusses (self-explanatory)

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Fuss Of The Day 4

I truly admire the Japanese cool and calm in the face of the crisis going on around them, but, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when, admist fears of aftershocks, power shortages, radioactivity and lack of food and petrol, I was sitting in a 10-minute long meeting about whether the kids could take their chocochip pan チョコチップパン chocolate chipped bread home with them (school lunch has been cancelled due to various problems, so the kids had brought packed lunches, but, in some chocolate chipped miracle, the bread had arrived and they weren't sure whether to make the kids eat it at school or whether they would let them take it home in spite of that being against normal school lunch rules). Ten minutes of fuss meant ten minutes of lessons missed, ten minutes of tiny kids left in classrooms to their own devices when aftershocks had been happening all through the night before....why the choco chip fuss?? Miraculously, in just 10 minutes a decision was reached, and.....they COULD take them home, but only if they hadn't opened them in school...what a worthwhile fuss that was.

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