
BLANKs (things that seem to have inexplicably never made it to Japan)

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Thursday, 25 February 2010

Today's Year 6

Bless my year 6's in the East school (I have four primary schools...north, south, east and....itakura, even though they are all in Itakura and the one named "Itakura" is indeed in the west, but calling it west would just make it all too logical). Anyway, the year 6's, so last year of primary school (which makes them 12 here) had to do a self-introduction speech in English with the simple sorts of phrases they've learnt so far (name, age, likes, dislikes). They are my favourite year 6 classes (there are two classes in that school) and they did really well...they're not that used to standing up in front of the class and speaking in Japanese, let alone in English, so I was pretty proud that they could all do it. Also threw up some very amusing English...I managed to stop myself from sniggering at the time but I have to share it with someone, so with virtual people I don't feel so guilty....

"I like sing singing singys"...not she doesn't have a stutter, she just thought that you needed that many "sings" in a sentence...I suppose you can never have too many "singys" though.

"I want to be a hairdresser because books are interesting"...can't fault the English I suppose.

"I am October 21"...riiiiiiiiiight.

"I want to be an orange"...somehow what this boy meant to say was "forensic scientist", easy mistake to make I suppose!

I know I shouldn't laugh...and I didn't actually! Did you? I hope you feel guilty if you did!

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