
BLANKs (things that seem to have inexplicably never made it to Japan)

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Thursday, 7 April 2011

New Aftershock

7.4 aftershock off the coast of Miyagi again at about 11.30 tonight. The information on the news says that it was about a minute long - it felt about that long here (I ran outside and met the new neighbour who was doing the same, but he was also mid brushing his teeth and the ground was shaking so not easy to make polite conversation). It says that there are some power cuts in the Sendai area and that some trains and shinkansens have been stopped. TEPCO are still checking the Fukushima nuclear power plant. There are strong tsunami warnings in Miyagi and smaller ones up the Eastern coast as far as the tip of the island in Aomori and as far down as Ibaraki (not as far as Tokyo). Just for your info, peeps, I am totally fine.

1 comment:

  1. I was surprised too...I live very far from the yesterdays quake. But I can`t seem to brush off the notions that there are many more to come.

    Hang in there! (がんばっろ)!
