
BLANKs (things that seem to have inexplicably never made it to Japan)

Random Events (things that made me go "WHAT?")

Fusses (self-explanatory)

Monday, 31 January 2011

Fuss Of The Day 1

The Broken Magnet a teacher knocks my English White Board at school and a magnet comes off, falls to the floor and the plastic covering on it breaks. If I'd have done that to somebody's notice board I proabaly would've just stuck the thing back up and ran away or binned then thing and thought nothing more of it, but since being in Japan I have realised that compared to the average Japanese person, I am a cruel, selfish wanker. This man was not...he brought it in and kerffuffled over it with two other teachers for five minutes, I still didn't know what it was. Then, he came over to me and bowed about 6 times, looking as if he might burst into tears. Bearing in mind that these magnets are about 4 for a pound and it wasn't actually holding anything up at the time, I tried to take it off of him and said who cares in my most convincing "I really really mean it" tone of voice (I said hontou about 16 times). To be honest, I was just over the moon that anyone was near enough my lonely board to knock a magnet off of it. Anyway, within 10 more fussy minutes, he'd superglued it back together and it's on the board (holding nothing up) looking as good as new already...I'm expecting my apology gift next week.

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