
BLANKs (things that seem to have inexplicably never made it to Japan)

Random Events (things that made me go "WHAT?")

Fusses (self-explanatory)

Thursday, 12 May 2011

BLANK Of The Day 7

We had a new deputy head start in April. I have introduced myself to him personally, to all of the new teachers together, and to all of the new students in front of him, each time stating that I was from the UK, I also have an English notice board almost directly in front of the staff room door with Union Jacks and posters about the royal wedding and The King's Speech all over it, plus I wear a Union Jack bandana when dishing out the school lunch (a hanky I use as a bandana - don't ask me why serving school lunch necessitates a bandana, let's just put it down to Japanese fuss). Anyway, other other day I was comparing Japan to the UK when talking to the deputy head and he said "but you're from America right?" I mean, how many times does he need to be told? And, it's so weird, because he was obviously fairly sure of himself to not just think it to himself but to just abruptly say it, in spite of never hearing that I was American once (white person = American) AND, he didn't even apologise afterwards, even though most Japanese people spend most of their lives apologising anwyay...I mean, some people in the UK might see a Far Eastern person and think China immediately, but I don't think many would forget after being told many times, and I think everyone would apologise a million times and want the ground to eat them up after making such a mistake. He then proceded to declare that he'd been to the UK and he didn't like it much because it was dirty, old-fashioned, scary and impractical (to name but a few of its problems) AND, WORST of all, he said that he preferred France!! Never say that to an Englishman! Deputy Head lost about a million brownie points in 3 minutes flat.

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