In the UK, we only really have a big graduation ceremony of fuss when we graduate university. I have heard that in the USA, there is one for high school, but in Japan there is one for when kids leave primary school!! More worrying still...I have heard that even some NURSERY schools have graduation ceremonies!!
At primary school, everybody sings the school song and the kids apparently walk under some banners with paper flowers on them, and I imagine there are an awful lot of speeches and a hell of a lot of bowing! The academic year ends in March here, so the year 6 leaving events are all cropping up....they are numerous, fussy (any excuse) and slightly ridiculous as they will all be going to the same school next year anyway. It's all very emotional though it the "West" school, where the sixth graders are a NIGHTMARE half the time, and never listen or talk to me, they all ran up and asked me (well, I say "asked"...the didn't speak, the just shoved) to sign their English textbooks for them like some kind of celebrity! Ironically, I will be teaching them next year anyway at their next school, so they have plenty more time to ignore me yet! The East school's year 6 have finished their English lessons too, but I love them (and they love me a little bit I think), so while I'm still going to the school to finish off the lessons with some other classes for this academic year, the teacher has asked me to go to their PE lessons! I was "refereeing" volleyball the other day...the teacher says "Do you know the rules?" I said "No" ( I mean, I know the ball goes over the net, but it ends there.). He said "It's a game up to eleven points", I nod, look over at the net, waiting for the next rule and then turned around to find him gone, refereeing another I knew that they had to get to eleven points, but just how that happened I had no idea....suffice to say that lead to a lot confusion and a LOT of points being decided by rock, paper, scissors (that is used ALL the time here) really descended into more of a rock, paper, scissors contest with a couple of hits of the ball sparsed in between.
Anyway, back to the year 6's favourite thing so far happened today...the year 6 of the South school are having some sort of extra event on top of their graduation ceremony and this boy came into the staff room today, all nervous, and gave me an invitation to it, that he'd written in English and read it out to me and I swear he was shaking he was so worried...I am gonna type it for you here cos it's just too cute to miss....
"Hello Mr. Mark. I open the meeting of thanks in a gymunasium at 3.00 of March 15. In the meeting of thanks, I play a game and do laughter live broadcasting and a dance show or dinig together. Because I make it happy, please come by all means. From the class six years pine evening capital."
I can't even believe they managed to put that together...some of it sort of makes sense, right? I'm not sure what it is, and I certainly don't know what a pine evening capital is, but I shall let you know.
In other primary school news, I have been having a wicked couple of weeks, where all of my lessons have been going so well (touch wood) and I've been bonding with more of the kids. One of my special needs boys, who never ever speaks (he only really says yes or no in Japanese, let alone English...not because he can't speak, but he's just socially handicapped or whatever you call it) came up to me at the end of a lesson the other day and said "thank you" and then came running down the corridor to me the other day going "sign sign sign!!" waving a bit of paper (he's also year 6, so I won't be seeing him for TWO WEEKS until he starts the next school, so obviously he needs a signature to look at in the meantime). Anyway, he grins and waves every time he sees me now, and his name is Tiger, so it's one of the few I can actually remember, which is nice. I also bonded with this slightly weird year 6 girl in the East school (didn't realise she was weird until I did volleyball with them...I suppose volleyball just brings it out in some people, I dunno lol). She was crying and I patted her head and bought her with a sticker (they love a good sticker here...I told her it was from the UK, but it was actually from the pound shop down the road lol) anyway she loves me now too...she'll probably forget by the next time I go, but still...
So, to summarise this message...everybody loves me, but then you didn't need to read this to know that did you? End of.
My blog about my 2 years living in the arsecrack of nowhere in Japan as an English teaching assistant. In 2011, I left London for a tiny village amongst the ricefields in the hope of spending all day every day eating sushi. My village had no sushi restaurant. So not only someone with no experience of the Japanese language, the Japanese culture or teaching English, I was also sushi-less.
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