
BLANKs (things that seem to have inexplicably never made it to Japan)

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Tuesday, 9 March 2010

A quick bite from the Japanese school lunch menu

The Japanese God of school lunch has really been out to get me recently…everything at primary school tends to be sweet which is so annoying….last week one of my meals consisted of sweet chilli chicken (emphasis on the sweet) which looking at it, I thought had been deep fried to within an inch of its life, to the point where I couldn’t tell what was skin and what was meat, but realised upon digging my chopstick into it that it was actually because I couldn’t see any meat from the outside because it’s meat to skin ratio was about 10:90 (guess which one is which). We then had this sweet vinegary peanutty salad, corn soup (which literally tastes like custard with carrots floating in it…it’s so popular here…I get it at least once a fortnight), the compulsory full-fat cartoon cow milk and chocolate bread. Chocolate bread is not cake, it’s not bread with chocolate spread, or bread with chocolate chips…it is a normal bread roll, with the normal texture of bread, just with a vague taste of chocolate and brown food colouring. This is also not the dessert, but the main meal, to be eaten with the sweet fried chicken skin presumably…ERRRR. I noticed that the least sweet thing on my plastic plates was the dessert…grapefuit!

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